Thursday, February 9, 2017

Assignment 2

To get a better understanding of what interested the class, I made a word map of the most common words used throughout Assignment 1. The larger the word is, the more common it was. I wanted to include this in my assignment to help visualize what everyones thoughts were.

Although everyones wording was slightly different, the majority of people are taking this class the get a better understanding of how media has impacted us and where media is going in the future.

I have broken my main elements of assignment 1 up into the following categories.

Netflix - There were several students who mentioned Netflix on their blogs. Here are a few examples that had Netflix.  

Amazon prime - There weren't as many references to Amazon Prime as there were for Netflix, but there were still a few.

Facebook/Twitter/Instagram - Because the social media driven world we live in, most people mentioned something about this.

Music - A lot of people mentioned music in their posts. Most of the students in the class use spotify, but there were some others.

Radio - There weren't too many people that mentioned radio, but there were still some.

Email - Just about everyone mentioned something about Email.

Texting - Almost every blog mentioned something about texting, but here is a specific blog that did.

Groupme/Group messages - I found a blog that mentioned GroupMe.

Link to Assignment 1

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